Antikes Silberbesteck & Besteckteile

Ob Jugendstil oder Art déco, ob komplette Bestecke oder Einzelstücke wie Vorlegelöffel, Teelöffel oder Mokkalöffel: Vertrauen Sie beim Thema antikes Silberbesteck & Besteckteile auf über 30 Jahre Erfahrung.

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Items 1 - 36 of 97

In this category you will find different sets of cutlery: tea spoons, pastry forks, pastry forks, small and big menu cutlery sets or pastry forks but also rare pieces like asparagus tongues or salmon knifes. Some of them in original boxes. Furthermore different cutlery parts for those, who surch pieces to replace missing cutlery elements. All of the articles are made in massive silver, cast or engraved, some of them are partly gilded or have turned bone or wood handles. The items are of german and english origin, made by famous firms and silversmiths.

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